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Suite 720
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (267) 322-7000
Fax: (267) 322-7001

The following matrix is a summary of our investment preferences.  

    Category     Our investment preferences
Sectors Business-to-business and business-to-consumer direct marketers, specialty publishing, retailers and service providers.
Markets Well-defined and established markets with growth greater than 5% per year.
Customers Long relationships, frequent purchases and large cumulative spends.
Products and services Products or services that are perceived by the market as superior, have low friction to adoption and are practically defensible.
Sales and growth Revenue between $10 million and $250 million with the potential to grow in excess of 10% annually.
Management Management teams seeking an engaged partner that will provide the mentoring, resources and networks that help assure their success.
Size We invest $3 - $40 million of equity in companies with EBITDA of $1 million or more.
Geography We invest in companies headquartered throughout the United States.
Exclusions Emerging markets, distributors and wholesalers, high-technology, commodity products, distressed assets.

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